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    Top 6 Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms Changing the World Perception

    Top 6 Computer Vision Techniques and Algorithms Changing the World Perception

    Tracy Watson


    8 min read

    computer vision machine learning

    Computer vision is one of the most popular areas of deep learning. It is located at the crossroads of many disciplines that include computer science, mathematics, engineering, physics, and psychology. Given such a broad range of subjects, many experts believe that all of them are moving us closer to artificial intelligence. Also, due to the complexity of computer vision, choosing its right model can be a challenge. In this article, we will look at some computer vision techniques that are widely used today. While they might share some common patterns, each will require its own careful planning and consideration.  

    computer vision app development

    Image Classification

    This is perhaps the best-known computer vision technique. One of the biggest problems that need to be overcome here is as follows: Let’s say that we have a set of images in one category and we are tasked with predicting the categories for a new set of test images in order to determine how accurate the predictions are. There are lots of challenges that need to be overpassed, such as changing scales and viewpoints, image deformation, lighting conditions, and many others.  

    How can we go about creating computer vision algorithms that will be able to classify the images into their proper categories? There is a very interesting data-driven approach to resolve the problem. Instead of determining how each image category will look like on the code level, the researcher gives the computer many examples of the image class for the computer vision machine learning. The computer has to study the images and learn about their visual appearance.   

    Object Detection

    This is the job of defining the objects in an image, labeling them and outputting bounding boxes. This varies from the method above because we are trying to classify many objects instead of just one. Let’s take a look at a possible computer vision business application. Imagine a warehouse filled with goods. If there are many objects inside a warehouse, it will be very time-consuming to count all the items manually. If you have a robot or computer that is equipped with a camera that can detect all the objects and keep count of all of them, this would save a lot of time and allow employees to be more productive.    

    deep learning for computer vision

    Object Tracking 

    This refers to tracking one or more moving object in any given scene. This has traditionally been applied to monitor real-world interactions once the initial object was detected. It is a very important component of self-driving cars that companies such as Uber and Tesla plan to release. Object tracking can be divided into two categories: generative and discriminative. The generative method will describe obvious characteristics and reduce error in reconstruction in searching for the subject. 

    The discriminative approach is more powerful and exact. It can be used to tell the difference between the subject and the background and has become the preferred tracking method. It also goes by the name Tracking-by-Detection, which is in the same category as deep learning.    

    Semantic Segmentation

    Segmentation is an essential part of computer vision that divides the entire image into groups of pixels that can be labeled and classified. To be more specific, semantic segmentation attempts to understand the part that each pixel plays in a given image. For example, it is not enough to detect a person or a car. You also must be able to tell where all the boundaries are. To make such delineation, we need dense pixel predictions from the models.  

    Instance Segmentation 

    Instance segmentation categorizes all the various instance classes such as labeling ten cars with ten different colors. In terms of classification, there is usually the main image, and the goal is to determine what exactly the image is. However, to segment all the instances, more complex processes are required. If we have a complex scene with many overlapping objects and various backgrounds, we must classify all the objects and identify their differences, boundaries, and how they relate to one another. 

    computer vision algorithms

    Image Reconstruction 

    Imagine that you have an old photo and bits have started to erode over time. This is a very important photo, so you would like to get all the images restored. This is image reconstruction. The datasets will usually include current photo datasets in order to come up with corrupted versions of the picture that the models have to learn to repair.    

    We examined only some of the models that are used today. As the computer vision mechanism become more advanced, we will start seeing them used more often to solve business challenges, as it is one of the most interesting aspects of artificial intelligence. All the industries are heavily investing in computer vision research with companies such as IBM and Pinterest leading the way. It is also important to note that with all the power of computer vision, there are still lingering security concerns since it is notorious for its black-box decision making. This is where users become wary of machines using data to predict their every move and making determinations about things like their credit risk, health status, and many other individual decisions. Still, given rapidly developing AI and protection standards, we can expect such problems to be resolved to remediate our privacy concerns.    

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