Ilya Dudkin 13/02/2019 #Design #Tips 7 min readAll good investments need to be actively managed and the website is no exception. Your website requires more than just new content but also making sure that all the technology and design associated with your site are up to date and meet the requirements of your business needs as well as those of your customers. Most experts agree that you should redesign your website every two years and overhaul the entire website every five years. The website redesign process does not have to be long and arduous. In a lot of cases, only a few adjustments are required to get your site looking fresh and modern. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why business leaders consider redesigning your website: The website appears outdated The business direction of your company is not clear It does not look good on mobile devices It is very difficult to navigate and find information efficiently The sales and lead conversion are just not there Long load time Try going through Google Analytics for some data that shows there is a need for an upgrade. Look for things like low return visits, higher than usual bounce rate and below average time spent on site. You can also try checking the technical data to evaluate the performance of your site on various browsers and mobile devices. When redesigning a website, it is important to take into account its performance on mobile devices since users are more likely to visit your site via phones and tablets, rather than a desktop computer. Basically, the redesign process should look something like this: Start by analyzing what you have right now Set your priorities Define your target audience Create a laundry list of the things you are not happy with Set new goals Why Redesign a Website One of the benefits of a website redesign is that it makes your site look fresh and up to date, it sends a message to the users that your business is dynamic growing. It is very important that you show your customers that you are able to move with the times and you care about the pain points they were experiencing on the old version of your site. Building such a mutual understanding between a company and the customers is what business website development is all about. You worked hard to build your website and it should return the favor by working hard for you as well. This is done in the form of social media integration, blog, e-commerce, forums and much more. A website that is built on outdated technology will not be able to handle all of the advanced features that today’s websites require. The user nowadays demands that all process be performed quickly or else they will simply leave your site. This means that you must make it easy for them to share your site on social media, purchase products, sign up for a newsletter and everything else. Cons of a Website Redesign One of the main reasons that businesses do not redesign their sites is because it might confuse users since they are used to your site looking a certain way. In order to overcome this, you must consider the users’ objectives, needs, and experience. Come up with website redesign steps that will allow users to accomplish what they need to in three clicks or less. Keep in mind that the new web design does not have to happen overnight. You can work with your designer(s) to come up with a plan to implement all the proposed changes over time. This will eliminate a lot of the confusion on behalf of your customers. If you are struggling to come up with a plan on how to redesign a website gradually, there is lots of information available online to help you. When redesigning your site, the URL can change, which might hurt your SEO efforts. This can be overcome by your SEO specialists telling search engines the new location of your old URLs, which will minimize any negative SEO effects by saving your best-performing pages. Try submitting a sitemap to the search engines so that your site is indexed better. We hope all of this information about why you should redesign websites will motivate to make any necessary updates that your website needs. The sooner you get them all done, the sooner you can start enjoying all the website redesign benefits.